Friday, May 21, 2010

Gap France

As we move more into the Alps we will be going through a pass and stopping and praying for the city of Gap, France

The word gap reminds me of the phrase "Standing in the gap" and I found this verse in Ezekiel 22:30

"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.

Standing in the gap on the behalf of France. It seems that this is what God has called us to do. Let us continue to pray for France as a nation but also for individuals that we know or ministries, churches, pastors, and missionaries. In the last year I had to stop working in an urban ministry to let my body heal. I know that many are tired or discouraged in being faithful to what God has called us to, but let us lift each other up and help each other remain faithful. Stand in the gap so the work can continue. Keep up the work. Stand in Him and He will open and close opportunities to serve. Follow His leading.


We look at the passage way through the Alps and I know that we have many gaps in ministry around the world. Our weakness and sin has caused these gaps. Lord, forgive us of our sins and strengthen us to be able to stand. Lord, we desire to be your servants and to stand for Truth. Please use us where ever you need us. Equip us so that we can do your calling. We step up in obedience and we desire to do your will.

Lord, send believer to Hautes Alpes, let them stand in the gap so many will hear the gospel. Thank you for the churches in this area. Encourage them to continue, send encouragement to them, let them know that there are people who love them and care about their relationship with you. Bless each believer with your blessing of peace and hope. Let your love be seen in Hautes Alpes.

I pray all these things in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ.


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