Thursday, May 13, 2010

Matthania, Eglise Protestante de Toulon

Looking through Department 83 I found a Eglise Protestante de Toulon on their web site I found this camp that they will sending their kids to this summer. It looks like a great place.  Matthania has weeks of vacation or camp for all ages.  Let us be in prayer for churches as they conduct VBS in the summer and as kids go off to camp.  Pray for God to open hearts and let the Holy Spirit have freedom to work in hearts and lives. 

Dear Father,
You have a plan for each of us and you desire for us to be citizens  in Your Kingdom.  Thank you for providing for us to be part of your plan and your Kingdom, but I know that many have not become citizen yet.  Please help them hear how they too may become Children of God. 

Thank you for providing Matthania and Eglise Protestante de Toulon for the people of Toulon.  Bless each of these ministries and the people who faithfully serve you there.  You know very need they have today and I know that all good gift come from you.  Thank you for supplying every one of their needs.  Thank you again and bless them this summer as they work, telling the gospel story. Provide protection and open hearts, and may your will be done.
I pray in the name of Jesus my Lord.

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