Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jura France (39)

Dole France is in the department of Jura, region of Franche-Comté.  Dole is the birth place of Louis Pasteur and here in Jura is the famous Royal Salt Works.  This week we have been doing VBS and our theme was God's word, and both of these things helped with preserving.  Pasteur figured out a way to pasteurize milk, and to keep the bacteria from spoiling the wine and beer.  The Royal Salt Works manufactured salt for the French to use in preserving their foods in the 1700's.  God's word preserves us.  God says to hide his word in our heart so that we might not sin against him.  He also called us the salt of the earth because his spirit is in us.  I pray we keep his word in our hearts so that we will be effective salt in this world.  Can we preserve the good in this world?

Lord, at one time France was the salt of the world and we pray that soon it will be so again.  Lord, your word is so important to us individually and corporately, I pray that we remember to hide it in our hearts so that we will not sin against thee.  Keep us preserve our usefulness to you.  Let us be the salt of the earth and preserve our effective saltiness to all around us.  I pray for this department of Jura to remember how at one time they too were salt. Let them be  effective salt once more.
 I pray in the name of Jesus.

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