Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Region of Bourgogne or Burgundy

Bourgogne is the 7th largest region in France.  It has 4 departments:
Saône et Loire (71)
Nièvre (58)
Côte d'Or (21)
Yonne (89)

Most people think of wine when they hear Burgundy, but this region is filled with history dating as far back as 2 B.C. This area has been controlled by the Romans, Gauls, the Franks and many more.  It is rich in medieval history with a center in Dijon, cobble  stone streets and Gothic architecture in Beaune.  As you move through the departments of Bourgogne you can find many historical places along side of today's world.    The Saône river will take you south to the sea and the Loire will take you west to the ocean.  On you way you will pass vineyards and fields of sunflowers in July.  This is one area the tour likes to visit so we will come back in a few weeks.

Thank you for the beauty of Bourgogne.  The history and the fruits of the vine bring many people here each year to enjoy its splendor.  Lord,  show us how to pray for this region.  You know the needs of the hearts here.  Today Lord we ask that through the abundance of your goodness this area will be strong for you.  We thank you for the churches in this area, give them a burden for their region.  Lay upon our hearts the needs of this part of France and give us petitions to bring before you.  I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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