Sunday, June 27, 2010

To The Church in France

Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Notre Père,
 I thank you for making all things possible for you and impossible for us.  Lord, I see that you have a plan for France and  to us the need in France or many other places in the world seems overwhelmingly impossible to do, but yet we know that if we work through the power of the Holy Spirit miraculous things, can happen.  I want to help you get it done in France and in any other part of the world you might  need me.    Lives can be changed.  Lord, use the church in France to get your "to do list done".  Send your Spirit and empower us so that we can be your messengers.  Use us to help you reach the lost in France.  God, you can do it and we would love to help.  We are willing, but only able with the power of the Holy Spirit. Send us.
I pray in the power of the name of Jesus.

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