Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yonne (89)

Yonne is just over an hour from Paris and is a beautiful department with wonderful food and wines.  Lord, we can see your beauty every where but we are missing it in the hearts and faces of the people.  Lord, France has been blessed with you hand of creation, but the people are yet to receive you hand of redemption.  Lord, over and over again I read how people today see no relevance in the gospel of Christ.  There is a barrier between your eternal life and our everyday lives.  As the church how do we make the connection real to them.? How do we live so that they can see the joy and freedom you bring to our lives?  How do we live to reveal the relevance of the gospel to all we our lives touch?  Lord, we need your Spirit to move in hearts and minds.  Open eyes to see the need for you to be Lord of our lives.  Lord, begin this work in Yonne, France.  Use the Christians here in Yonne to show the true reality of life with you and without you. 

Lord, I simply pray that you will be come relevant in the lives of everyone here in Yonne, France.  I pray that the reality of what life is like without you will be so real that all will come to you for mercy and redemption.  Lord, show them through our love for each other that they need you to be relevant in their lives here.  Lord, reveal to them what life will be like after they die if they do not believe in you today.  Lord, only you can save France, but we humbly ask to send us to be your messengers of your Good News.  I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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