Thursday, July 8, 2010

Étape 5, Épernay > Montargis

When you look at the list of villages, towns and cities their are only three which have evangelical gospel preaching churches.  Épernay, Montargis and Châlette-sur-Loing are the only three who have evangelical churches.  How can it be that God asked of us 2000 years ago to go and make disciples and we have failed to have a witness in every town in France.  My heart is broken over our disobedience.  Have we given up?  Please do not give up.  Let us keep on praying, going, and being obedient to our Lord's command. 

Lord, there are so many villages who have no gospel preaching church. Please send your labors into the harvest fields.  Thank you for these three cities that have churches in them. Keep them strong.  We ask that you encourage them on this day.  Thank you for Eugène Rard and all who are helping with spreading the gospel in the stage cities. 
Father we thank you for the beauty of this area in France.  We are blessed with the pictures we see on the TV and I am glad that we have this time to pray for France.  Keep the riders safe as they ride today.  Thank you for the enjoyment this sport brings to so many of us.  I thank you for all the blessings that you have given us, allow us the opportunity to share you with others.  I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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