Friday, July 9, 2010

Katusha Team

Katusha is the Russian global cycling project.  They have been exciting to watch in the race.  Robbie McEwen was in the sprint on Wednesday, so I am sure we will see more of him as the race goes on.

Lord, I thank you for all that you are doing in Russia.  Thank you for your Church there and how they have grown under much hardship.  We praise you for all our bothers and sisters in Christ who have proclaimed your praises.  Thank you for this team.  I pray for their safety in the race.  Thank you for their success and I pray that there will be much more.  Protect the riders as they do their best. Help them if they are tempted to cheat during this race, give them the strength to resist.  I pray for their salvation.  Lord, bring a living witness into this team.  Let them live like you in front of their team mates.  Lord, thank you again for the Church in Russia and I pray that they will stand for you in the days to come, protect their freedom to worship You.  I pray all these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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