Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Today is a rest day in preparation for the mountains tomorrow.  Today as we rest we will pray for the churches in Pau.  The pictures yesterday of Pau from the helicopter were wonderful to see.   Here are the churches in Pau  Pau is a city of 300,287 people with only 4 evangelical churches.  I live in a city of 150,000 and we have over 200 Baptist Churches alone. 
Église Évangélique Libre
Église Évangélique Tzigane
Église Protestante Évangélique
Réunions Chrétiennes
 For more information about each one
Lord, provide faithful men of God to come and build new Churches to reach the people of Pau and the surrounding areas.  Thank you for these 4 Churches.  We ask that you add to their households of Faith each and everyday.  Allow many to come to know you as their Lord and Savior.   Father let the Holy Spirit convict people of sin and show them that Jesus paid it all for each one.  We love you Father and we know that you love us.  Let the people of Pau see your love today.  We thank you for all you are doing in Pau.  In the precious name of Jesus we pray.  Amen

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