Saturday, July 3, 2010

Prologue Rotterdam

Today's Video

City Information
Rotterdam is home to the world's largest port.  It is the home to 794,392 people with only half being of a Dutch origin.  25% of Rotterdam population is Muslim and the current Mayor, Mayor Ahmed, is a practicing Muslim.  Rotterdam is a very modern multicultural city.  Much of the city is built behind dikes and below sea level.  Water and bridges are every day items in life.  I wonder how many know of the living water, or understand that there is a bridge that God has created to give us a way to Him?

Today's Prayer

Holy Father,
I thank you for all the Christian who have come to this city on this day to share the gospel.  Bring to them people whom you have prepared to hear and believe. As the flyers are pasted out let them be received and read with great interest.  Multiply the efforts to share the gospel. Thank you for those who will believe on your name today, bring them into strong local churches so that they will grow in you.

 Lord, as we look at the bridge in the race today we pray that this symbol will remind people that you have created a bridge for us to cross over the gulf that separated us from you.  Thank you for the cross of Christ and all that happened on that day for us.  I pray for the churches in Rotterdam, encourage them to stand  for Truth in this multicultural modern city.  Thank you for the Ethiopian Evangelical Churches working among the African people here and throughout the Netherlands, use them in to share the gospel of Christ.  I pray that you will provide inroads for the churches into the Muslim communities.  Allow their hearts to be open to hear the gospel.  Protect the freedom to share the good news to all in the Netherlands.
I pray all these things in the name of Jesus, the one and only. Amen

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