Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Praise!!

The following update is from Eugène Rard - Director of the ministry SEMER who has led the Tour de France de la BIBLE for the past 4 years:

From Friday 2nd in Rotterdam-NL till Sunday 25th in Paris, Christians from different denominations are on the roads of the Tour de France to be Christ witnesses bringing the love of God !

13 persons followed the race till Reims. Another team continue till St Jean de Maurienne help with local Churches who invested themselves at this opportunity ! The same team will be in Paris for the finish juillet 25th with people from different Churches.

More than 20 000 flyers in French,Dutch and English have been distributed till now, 1 500 balloons for the children, 20 Bibles given to interested people !. Thousands of contacts are established. From Reims where some people joined the evening in the Church, fantastic events encourages us as the local Churches: This a group of handicapped people who joined the service, right in the middle of one city close-by the finish line, a women began to cry as she read the text on one of our banner telling Jesus is giving us he victory; she manifested her desire to come back to God. It is also that young man Olivier and his father ; we pray with them in front of there house. Their neighbour using méthadone told us about his desire to be set free… The local Church will follow them encouraging them to believe that with God, every thing is possible !

In different Churches, group of people joined us to live vivid experiences which will encourage them to continue to go ahead. Certainly, some lives will be changed by such an experience and new local actions will begin in September! Let us pray for them.

The race is going on without a proper team of us but we believe some Christians encouraged by our work will take advantage to join the race to shine among the people.

Our Holy Father,
We praise your name.  To you we give all praise and honor.  We thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.  Lord,  thank you for those who have been added to your Church these last two weeks.  We pray that they will grow in you.  Thank you for the believers who have faithfully passed out information and shared the good news about Jesus Christ. Thank you for the Bibles that have been given out.  Holy Spirit teach them as they read.  Open their eyes and guide them in your Truth.  We bless you for hearing our prayers.  Lord, be with the team as they go to Paris next week.  Prepare hearts and change more lives.  We pray for those who will be added to the church this week.  Lord, thank you for all that you are doing in the hearts in France.  We praise you in the name of Jesus our Savior.  Amen

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