Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Team Saxo Bank

Team Saxo Bank
I enjoy watching this team, I am a fan of the Schleck brothers, Frank and Andy, Fabian Cancellara, and Jens Voigt.  When they are in a race it makes it more interesting.  It will be fun to watch them in this years tour.  This is a Danish Team, but truly international in scope.  Their website is in Danish but google translator will do the good job. 

Denmark is like many European countries, they live in a post modern world, world view that see no need for God.  Pray for that the believers in Denmark will be a shining light that will boldly share the gospel of Christ to the lost world around them.  I have no idea the spiritual condition of the members of this team, so pray with me for them and their families and for the country of Denmark. 

Lord, these great riders are fun to watch as they attack the mountains or fly down to the valleys below, but Lord the important race is the one they live each day.  Whose team are they on?  Are they on yours or their own?  Lord, I pray that before this life ends for them they will all be on your team.  Bring the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts, prepare them to hear the gospel message and believe.  Help them to see their need of you, and Lord if one member of the Saxo Bank team is your son or daughter give them the courage to share the good news.  We ride on the best team.   Thank you Father, keep them safe.  Help them to hear.  I pray in the name of Jesus, our director. Amen

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