Thursday, July 1, 2010

What will we be praying for?

Praying through the Tour is a great way to travel through France in a short amount of time.  We will ask God to do a mighty work in the lives and hearts in France.  All things are possible with God and He is faithful to hear our prayers, this gives us the freedom to pray.

We will pray for:
  • The lost
  • The cities, towns, and countries
  • The Church
  • Local Churches and their Pastors
  • Our brothers and sisters in Christ
  • Missionaries
  • Christian Ministries
  • The government
  • God's blessings
  • The safety of the race
  • The teams
  • Individual racers.
On July 14 we will have a day of fasting and prayer.  I hope you feel free to join us.
Thank you for taking the time to pray for France as we are praying through the Tour.   Please feel free to send in your prayers and thoughts through the comment box. Thank you.

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