Dear Father,
Over the next few days we will be praying for the Region of Normandie. We also will be praying with scripture that teaches us who we are in You. Lord, we pray that our brothers and sisters in Christ here in this region will be reminded of their standing with you. Lord, we have life because of Your love, grace and mercy. Renew our minds so that we will remember that out of your love for us you found us worthy to redeem us, and to give us life, which is eternal, abundant, and most of all with You.
Lord, You became flesh and moved into my life. The Holy Spirit dwells in me, all because you choose to love me and all of the people of Normandie can be alive with Christ even though we were dead in transgression. It is by grace You have saved us. Today Lord, I am alive with Christ. Let this fact ring out true in Normandie.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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