Monday, May 10, 2010

Bouches du Rhône Department 13

Check out Provence Web for great information about Department 13.  On days like today I would love to be in France enjoying a meal at a cafe maybe a walk at the beach or setting in a beautiful garden.  Well I am here in Mobile and God's beauty is here as well. So today we will be faithful to pray.

Marseille is the second largest city in France it has over 800,000 people from all over the world that live here in Marseille. It is an old seaport dating back as early as 600 BC. This port has brought many different people groups and their beliefs here to Marseille.  Muslims make up 25 % of the population here in Marseille.  This year they plan on building a 92,500 square ft. Mosque. 

Let us pray for the Holy Spirit will work and move in the Muslim community.  Many Muslims have no understanding about who Jesus Christ is and how He has died for their sins and would love to be their personal Savior.

Lord, we pray for the Muslim community in Marseille.  Lord, work in hearts and send the labors into this harvest field.  I now that this field is a difficult one with slow progress and little results, but I also know that you love them and died for them and you are willing to send people there to speak of you and share your gospel truth.  Lord, I pray that many will see the need to and you will burden their hearts for the lost.  Lord, Equip them with strength, mercy and love and bless those who are there now doing your will.  Lift them up and encourage them.  We love you and desire for your will to be done in the hearts and lives of those in Marseille, France and in the rest of Bouches du Rhône, France.  In the name of Jesus the true Son of God.  Amen.

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