Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bouches du Rhône, Department 13

Here in  Bouches du Rhône there are two International Christian Community one in Marseille and one in Aix en Provence.  ICC mission is to reach the English speaking community with the Gospel and Love of Christ. Please pray for these churches as they live and minister their faith to all those that God brings into their path.

Dear Father,
Thank you for all the churches in Bouches du Rhône. Thank you for each one who is faithful to the preaching and teaching of your Word. Father bless what they do in your name. Let them see a harvest from their labor. Lord, I pray that many will be saved through their obedience to you. Give them strength, wisdom, mercy and love each and everyday.

 Bring Christian to minister with these bodies of believers. I know that ICCP is looking for a Youth Minister. Bring to them your pick, whomever they are prepare them for living in Aix en Provence. Help them to understand the challenges of being a third cultured kid. Lord, bless them as they follow you and serve you in Provence.

Thank you for Dan and Nancy Painter as they serve in Marseille with ICCM.  Be with them as they plan VBS for July 5-9th.  Bring the workers needed and the children to hear about Christ.  Open hearts and bring these children to a saving knowledge and understanding of you.  Thank you for all they do each and every week.  Bless them on this day.
I thank you for ICCM and ICCP and I pray they will grow in the knowledge of You and in your grace. I pray all these things in the name of Jesus my Lord and Savior. Amen

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