Friday, May 7, 2010

Fontaine de Vaucluse Department 84

Here in Vaucluse, France or department 84 in the region of Provence one will find a small medieval town, Fontaine de Vaucluse, which is at the source of a large spring of water.  In the springtime it will gush out as much as 200 cubic meters a second making it a very powerful water source.  No one knows how deep this spring is.  Many have tried to find the bottom but have failed.

Reading about this spring reminds me of the spring of Living Water that flows through each one of us as believers.  Our source is powerful and constant and it is up to us to benefit from the living water that is in us. 

Lord, you are the Living Water and we have no idea how powerful and how deep you are.  Flow through us today.  Let us benefit from the fact that you live in us.  Let others see that we rely on you as our source.  Lord here in Vaucluse you have given us a beautiful picture of you.  Flow through this region and this department.  I pray that many will come to you for the everlasting life that Your living water provides.  You promise that if we believe in you we will never thirst again.  Let the Living water flow through the hearts and lives in France.  I pray in the name of Jesus, my living water.  Amen

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