Monday, May 3, 2010

Torrents de Vie in Avignon

Avignon is found in the Region of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Aur. It is found in the department of Vaucluse. Here at France Voyage you can information and pictures of this area. The word Provence bring up many beautiful images, smells and taste. I hope you enjoy our tour though this region in the next few days. Avignon

Here in Avignon Torrents de Vie has a ministry to help people find healing for relationships and sexual brokenness through Jesus. This ministry was founded by Andy Comiskey. Mr. Comiskey was able to be in Avignon last week and he was able to preach at Centre Protestant Evagelique. The message is preached in English and translated into French. I enjoyed listening to his message.
Message by Andy Comiskey here in Avignon.

Lord, I pray for the ministry Torents de Vie here in France. Lord, here in Avignon there is a place for people to come and hear your plan for purity in our lives. Lord, you have called us to be faithful to each other in our marriage and faithful to our Lord. Lord, the world has confused us with its view of love and relationship. Lord, you have created us to love, and as we make a choice to love one and only one as our husband or our wife forever I pray that we will be faithful in mind, body and soul.

 I pray that through this ministry you will open hearts and souls to You. Use your Holy Spirit to convict people of their need for You. Thank you again for Torrents de Vie. Provide for them all their needs. Give them your strength to be faithful in this calling. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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