Monday, May 31, 2010

Loire France Department (42)

Loire is found west of Lyon, covered in  mountains, foot hills and plains.  You will be able to find wonderful cheese and wines in this agricultural area dotted with castles and churches  Sainte Etienne is the largest city in this department.  The churches here in Loire have come together and created a group who minister to their community through music,  a local food bank, and Bible study.  It looks like a create way to share the gospel of Christ to those unwilling or not interested in Church.  Association CEP Culture et expressions protestantes desires to reach their lost world locally and globally. 

Lord, I thank you for this area of France.  For the beauty and for the agriculture it produces.  Be with the leaders of this area to bring in the right businesses to help in keep this area of France economically healthy.  Thank you for the Churches in this area that have a heart to reach out into their cities and countryside.  Lord, use Association CEP for your glory.  Let the musical concerts touch lives and as they work with the food bank let them share the love of Christ.  Lord, I pray that many will come to know the Lord as their personal Savior, for we know that we are not born Christians by birth but by personally understanding our need for you and asking you to come into our hearts and be our Lord.  Thank you for making salvation a personal choice.  Help many hearts in Loire to choose you.
 I pray all these things in the name of Jesus. 

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