Monday, May 24, 2010


We move higher north as we leave Provence and enter Rhône-Alpes   Looking through the church list for this area we can praise God for the churches that are here.  We will pray for them as we pray for each department.  Rhône-Alpes is made up of 8 departments and 70% of the people who live in this area were born here.  Rivers flow through this area with their names naming 6 out of the 8 departments.  This region is the only region with glaciers in France.  Lyon is the 3rd largest city in the country.  We have more then 6 million people to pray for during the next 2 weeks.  Let us continue to be faithful and pray.

Lord, we thank you for all that you have done in this region today and in times past.  Thank you for the churches here that are faithfully preaching your word.  Lord, we pray for every bible study, prayer meeting, church service, and every word that is spoken of you.  We pray that your word will not be returned void in the hearts of this land.  Please move in hearts and prepare them for the good news.  Give each Christian the hunger for your word, set them apart and make them holy.  Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do here in Rhône-Alpes.
 I pray in the name of Jesus.

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