Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ardèche, France Department 7

Ardèche looks like a wonderful place to step back in time.  Enjoy a canoe ride down the Ardèche river or hike to find the source of the Loire river.  Taste the sweetness of the chestnut.  Let us enjoy the wonders of Ardèche, France.

Psalm 119:103

How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Lord, I pray that your word will become sweeter than honey in the mouths of those who live in Ardèche, France.  Lord, let your Word be heard and let there be an ever increasing desire to hear and learn more.  Lord, create a hunger in their hearts and minds.  I pray that they will only be satisfied with you.  Thank you for all the believers in this department.  Thank you for those who have just been baptized.  I pray that as they public announce their belief in you they will able to grow in your word and live a life that will bring glory to you.  I thank you for all that you are doing here in Ardèche and pray that your word will become sweeter than honey or even the chestnut. 
I pray all these things in the sweet name of Jesus.

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