Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ain France (1)

In the Department of Ain you will be able to find  the village of Ferney-Voltaire.  The philosopher Voltaire made this his retirement home at the age of 65.  Through his writings and words Voltaire influenced the minds and hearts of Europe.  As a humanist Voltaire question the need for God and made his personal choice of not needing God very public.  Sadly many people in France have followed his belief and example.  To me Voltaire is one of those turning points in history for the nation of France.  If  I were to go to this village I know my heart would break knowing the eternal direction he influenced many to choose.

Father God,
How do we as the believers of Christ influence the Voltaires of our world today. How do we publicly pronounce the Truth in a day where the world view believes truth is relevant.  My heart is broken when I see humanity has rejected the only Way, Truth, and Life that we could ever have.  I sadly fear as a society we have listen to those who scream there is no God more than to those who proclaim the Gospel of Christ.  Lord forgive us, for we have surely failed to influence others in seeing their need for your hope.  I know I have not persuaded them I have let them turn away and reject you forever.  Please forgive me.  Bring people into my life and let me see their eternal destination and help me to be an influence in their choose of choosing You.  Lord, I desire for the lost to find Jesus as their Way. 
I pray in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

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