Saturday, June 5, 2010

Team France

Teamfrance is the non-literal arm of the Wheaton-based global missions organization known as TEAM. Teamfrance has been working diligently in France to plant local new testament churches.  They are working in Paris and in Rhône.  They have the dream to plant 10 churches in Rhône by 2010.  I follow Jon and Agnès Hegner's blog.  They are with Teamfrance here in Bonneville, Haute-Savoie (74).  They do a great job on their blog.  Pray for Teamfrance and their efforts here in France.  Pray that God will sustain them and provide for them as they serve him.

Notre Père,
I am very grateful for Teamfrance.  They encourage my heart knowing that they are working in this country which is so dear to my heart.  I pray that they are able to share the love of Jesus to all who come into their lives.  Lord, I know people like to keep their private live very private here in France, so I pray that some how this wall will be broken down  and these missionaries will be able to minister in a very personal manner to the people in Paris and in Rhône.  Please do not let the fact that many  one teamfrance are Americans be a put off to the French people.  Help these believers to be accepted by the French.  Give them avenues of witness that we could never conceive possible,  for with you all things are possible, even cultural differences.  Thank you for Father again for all that you have done and will do through the lives of Teamfrance.  Bless them and keep them strong till the day of our Lord.
 I pray in the name of Jesus our Savior. 

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