Friday, June 25, 2010

Côte d' Or (21)

From the slopes of gold to the mustard seed, department 21 brings us to the famous city of Dijon. Dijon has been and continues to be an important city in Bourgogne. When people think of Burgundy many people think of Côte d'Or.

Lord, you have richly blessed this area of France with grapes, black currents, mustard seeds and others renewable natural resources. The French take great pride in their ability to take the simple things and turn them into tasty masterpieces for all to enjoy. Lord, many of us that great pride in what we can do and fail to recognize all that we have is because of You. Lord, I pray that the people of Côte d'Or will see how much you have blessed them. Not only with the natural resources but with the gift of Jesus Christ. Lord, I pray that they will see the need for eternal matters. Take the name of Jesus and make it precious to the people of Côte d' Or.
 In the name of Jesus I pray.

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