Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Saône et Loire (71)

We humbly come before you realizing our unbelief.  Lord, our unbelief is all over the board, from those who disbelieve that you are real, those who are unable to trust you with their lives, and even those who doubt your love for them.  Lord, help our unbelief.  You have been faithful from the beginning of time to show us who you are and all that you desire to do for us but yet we continue day after day in our unbelief.  Lord, forgive us, let your light continue to shine into our hearts and minds so that we will believe.  Let your Word continually be spoken so that we might hear Your Truth and believe.  Change our minds from unbelief to trusting completely in you.  Let this be true in Saône et Loire here in Bourgogne,   Change hearts, minds and lives so that others can see your glory. Help our unbelief.
 I pray in the name of Jesus, the way the truth and the life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I stumbled upon this site through the Praying for France initiative and just wanted to say that I really enjoy coming here! All the prayers here are so beautiful.
