Thursday, June 17, 2010

French city Belfort

Belfort was a battle ground for many years between many countries.  This small spot in our world reminds me of the small spots in our hearts where there are battles going on.  Is our hearts divided into many areas where the god of this world is doing battle or we ourselves are battling with God over a spot of control?  He asked us to give it all to Him.  Have we? 

Holy Father,
I desire to have an undivided heart before you.  What spot of power am I struggling over.  Have I given everything to you or am I holding on to the Belfort of my heart?  Jesus show me the littlest spots of my life where I refuse to surrender to your will.  I love you and desire to be fully surrendered to you. 

Lord, we pray for Belfort France.  It is one of the smallest departments that I have found so far in France.  Lord, we desire today to pray over this place.  Giving it to you.  Lord, let the hearts here in Belfort understand the benefits for having you as Lord of their lives and the King of their castle.  Lord, open hearts here, use the 8 churches in this area to proclaim the gospel.  Bring to them encouragement so that they will continue to serve you by telling others of Your costly gift of eternal life.  Thank you Father for loving us and being so willing to work in our hearts until we surrender all. 
I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen

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