Sunday, July 4, 2010

Etape 1 Rotterdam > Bruxelles

On our route today we will leave the Netherlands and move south into Belgium.  We will be rolling through the beautiful city of Antwerp, one of the world"s diamond trading center.  I am sad to say not only diamonds are traded but also humans. Human Trafficking is very active here and the city of Antwerp desires to put a stop to this, but the problem continues.       Breaking Chains Network ministry has a home here in Antwerp as a refuge for those who are in slaved.  I have found their website very informative and heart breaking.  Prostitution is not illegal per se in Belgium and it is not frowned upon, therefore there are many who are living in this life style.  Pray for freedom, pray for the ministry Breaking Chains Network.  They have many needs as they try to help young girls start a new life, but most of all pray that God will unlock the chains that bind their hearts and provide a way to freedom through His Son, Jesus Christ. 

Gracious Father,
We pray for this overwhelming sin that plagues so many lives.  I know that this mess is due to our changing the parameters to what is right and wrong.  Lord, when we let sin become acceptable we have more problems then we can handle and lives are destroyed.  Lord, many nations in our world have legalised many things that you see and tell us are wrong.  We have not followed your way but have gone down our own path and lives are destroyed.  Lord, forgive us of our sin.  Help Europe to see that your ways are the right ways.  Lord thank you for your grace and mercy on the lives of these who have fallen into sexual slavery.  I pray that your word will ring true in their hearts and minds.  Let them see with the help of  Breading Chains Network that there is freedom for their bodies and souls.  Lord, renew lives and provide for those who will come to believe and trust in your name.  Provide for all the needs of this ministry in Belgium keep them strong and able to carry on.
 I pray in the name of Jesus our Savior.
You are able to follow Breaking Chains Network on Face Book

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