Sunday, July 4, 2010

Team Quickstep

Here is a great video to introduce you to the tour riders for Quickstep
Team Quickstep has been a strong team for a long time. Over the years they have produced winners. They are a Belgium based team and there main supporter is Quickstep the flooring company. 13 out of the 23 are from Belgium. Last year we prayed for Tom Boonen. I have not heard the news that we were hearing last year. I hope all is going well for Tom. This year at the Giro Jerome Pineau was able to win Stage 5. We wish them well during the tour. On sprint days we would look for Tom but he is not riding the tour this year due to his knee. I hope his healing goes well.
Lord, we come before you on the behalf of Team Quickstep, we pray that they will pursue you as strongly as they do a win here at the tour. Lord, continue to work in Tom’s life, bring people around him who will encourage him to know You. Thank you for this team and their abilities. Thank you for blessing them the ability to be strong and cycle well. Keep them safe and bring them many victories in cycling and in life. I pray for the salvation of each person involved with this team. Lead them to you and give them the opportunity to hear the gospel message and believe. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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