Monday, July 19, 2010

Étape 16 - Bagnères-de-Luchon > Pau

Psalm 34:8
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

One thing about France is that every region has food they are famous for.  Here in Midi-Pyrénées they are famous for foie gras, Pave du Quercy is a traditional cake, decorated with nuts, raisins and crystallised cherries, a stew called, garbure, and Roquefort ewes milk cheese to name a few.  Each region has its own taste and flavors.  As wonderful as french cuisine can be, it does not compare to the goodness of our Lord. 

I pray while we are here in the Pyrénées that people will see that you are good.  Lord, thank you for the wonderful taste you give to us to enjoy through the flavors of France, but I pray that the people of this region will soon know how good you are and that you are trustworthy of our devotion.  Thank you for moving in the hearts of the people of Bagnères-de Luchon and in Pau.  Please allow your word to be shared with boldness and love.  I pray that they will see the love the Father has for you and us.  Bless these cities today with your goodness and love.  I pray all these things in the name of Jesus, the bread of life.  Amen

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