Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Étape 4, Cambrai > Reims

Along the race route each day is a parade to entertain the spectators as they are waiting for the riders.  Semer Ministry has a team of people who are on the streets at the start city and the finish city for each state.  Today they are working along side Eglise Évangélique Baptistie,  and Eglise Évangélique here in Cambrai.  Pray as they hand out flyers and witness to the people on the street.  Pray for open hearts and minds who are willing to hear and believe the gospel message.  This evening they will hold a worship service at the church. 
In the city of Reims there will be a team working with Eglise Évangélique,  with a service to follow at 8:00 PM. Between the two cities 4000 flyers with the gospel message will be pasted out to the people.  Pray for salvation in the city of Cambrai and in Reims.

Notre Père,
Thank you for these who are going into the crowds and telling the good news.  Bless them as they go.  Protect them and let them have the mind of Christ today.  Fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit and give them the words to say.  Thank you for their faithfulness.  I thank you that the race goes to these cities so that we can share the gospel of Christ here today.   Thank you for the presents of the Body of Christ in the local Churches in these cities.  Pour our your grace for today.  I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen

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