Friday, July 9, 2010

Team Astana

Astana will be interesting to watch.  Everyone is talking about Contador and Lance but I wonder if we should be talking about Contador and Alexander Vinokourov.  I know that Contador is their GC guy but Vinokurov has been their main man in the past and he is a strong rider who wants to win very badly.  I will be watching these two to see who the team works for.  

Kazakhstan, is a republic south of Russia and east of China. In 1994, some 47 percent Muslim (Sunni branch), 44 percent Russian Orthodox, 2 percent Protestant (mainly Bap-tist), with smaller numbers of Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, and Jewish believers. Kazakhstan is has a secular government and are trying to avoid the problems of their neighbors to the south. 

Lord, thank you for the country of Kazakhstan and the team of Astanna.  I pray that as the cyclist ride the tour today and come to the Côte de la Croix de l'Arbre, the hill of the wooden cross, I pray that they will see their need of you.  Lord, I know that you show yourself to us everyday and we are to busy to see or choice not to see.  Lord, I pray that the people of Kazakhstan will hear your gospel story and believe.  Thank you for your cross on a hill, we would be lost without it.  I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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