Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Team Milram

Team Milram is a team from Germany. They are made up of 24 riders and 16 are from Germany. Linus Gerdermann is one of their more famous riders. They will be wearing a white and blue cow print jersey.
Milram is a German dairy company, that explains the new cow print. During this month they will have a team here at the tour but also a team in the Tour of Austria.

Lord, I pray for the members of team Milram that they will have a safe and successful tour here in France. Lord, I have no clue as to who in the team believes in you, but I pray that if there is a believer give them the strength and courage to live Christ in front of all the team. Let your light shine in and through this team. Be with not only the team members but also the trainers, coaches, cooks, transportation and sponsors. We pray for the salvation for every one involved in Team Milram.
I pray all things in the name of Jesus.

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