Thursday, April 29, 2010

Haute Loire Department 43

Haute Loire department 43 in region of Auvergne is made up with farmland filled with goats, sheep and cattle.  This region is know for the cheese it produces.  The Loire and the Allier rivers help define the borders of this department.  In Haute Loire there are 14 Evangelical churches reaching out to the 217,000 people who live here.  Le Puy is one of the main cities in this department. 

Dear Father,
Thank you Father for the beautiful villages to raise a family.  Lord we continue to come on the behalf of the family structure in France.  Lord, strength each family.  Help them to love each other and to care for one another.  Lord keep the families strong believe in You, let their relationship with you entice others.  Let them live their lives so others will see you.  Thank you for the 14 evangelical churches in this area.  Help them to grow and plant even more.  I thank you in the name of Jesus I pray. 

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