Friday, April 30, 2010

Puy-de-Dôme Department 63

Puy-de-Dôme is not only a Department but also the name of the Volcano in the Department.  You may visit the top of the volcano by car or on foot.  When you are at the top you will be 1464 meters high. The view is worth the time on a clear day.  Close to the top of the stands the ruins of a temple to the god of Mercury built by the Romans.  The Temple of Mercury reminds me how easy it has always been for man to choose other gods to worship and deny the one True God. 

 Dear Father as we knell before you in prayer our hearts are sad with the truth that we find it so easy to serve other things or gods before we serve you.  Forgive us for our idolatry.  Lord we desire to serve You and You only.  Give us the boldness to teach our children that you are the only God who deserves our praise and adoration.  Lord I pray for the families in Puy-de-Dôme that they will love the Lord our God with one heart, soul, and mind.  Lord keep thy Word in front of our eyes, minds and in our hearts so that we will not forget you.  Thank you for the Holy Spirit who reminds us of You. I pray all these things in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen

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