Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Prayer Request from Cafe Church in Bergerac

Thank you for praying for us. On Saturday the 22nd, we had a snake slide past us as we sat quietly drinking tea in our garden. Now in my mind snakes always represent the enemy and again he was at work over the weekend. Our guest speaker travelling out from England broke a tooth on the flight out, and a family who were looking forward to being with us for the very first time were prevented by a sudden lunchtime illness on the Sunday.

My training was as a scientist and so I am a bit sceptical of reading too much into things, but I do feel that the old enemy is attacking this project of Cafe Church in any way that he can.

The answer is more prayer please. Will you please ask your friends to pray, please ask your church to pray, we will happily send news to any email address sent to us. Let’s prove that our God is stronger than any residual forces of evil in this part of France.

Brian Lincoln spoke about the coming of the Spirit. He reminded us that Whit Sunday is derived from White Sunday when many were baptised and wore white as a symbol of the new life they had received. Then he spoke of the Holy Spirit as God the Communicator. Sometimes life in the Spirit is dangerous because He calls us to do different things.
Things that we would never be able to do, in our own strength.

Brian closed with a moving true story about an American lady waiting for a flight in an American airport. God told her to go to a man in wheelchair who was also waiting for his flight. She didn’t want to talk or witness to this strange, rather scruffy man. But the Holy Spirit told her she was not to go and talk to him, she was to brush his hair! She couldn’t do that, she said, because she didn’t have a hair brush. But the Spirit persisted and eventually she obeyed. The man just happened to have a hair brush in his carry-on bag. His hair was clean but untidy and she made a great job of making him look more handsome. It turned out he was returning home to his wife and looking good was important to him.
That “strange” act led to opportunities not just to speak to the man about Jesus but also to tell airline staff members about God’s love as well. God knew what He was doing.

Cafe Church Bergerac - Exciting Forthcoming Events

TUESDAY JUNE 8th Coffee and Croissant from 10am
Songs and testimony from 10:30 for up to an hour.
Special visit of Singer/songwriter Aaron Frith from Kent
Please encourage Aaron by coming if you possibly can.

SUNDAY JUNE 27th Tea and Cake from 5pm
Songs and testimonies from 5:30 for up to an hour

Please tell your friends to look at

With our love,

Derek and Pam

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