Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Drôme, France

Drôme borders Ardèche to the east. Filled with 100 year old olive, and fruit trees, with castles of old still standing the French understand the phrase forever a little bit more than we do.

Isaiah 40:8
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.(kjv)

Your word has been the same for thousands of years.  What you inspired David, Isaiah, or Paul to write so long ago is still  true today.  Lord, here in Drôme, France I pray that believers and unbelievers will believe your word, because it is trust worthy.  It is eternal, and life changing.  Lord, we continue to ask that Your Word which means so much to us will bring life and hope to all in Drôme.  Encourage the pastors here as they study your truths.  Lift them up and give them your power to speak and teach your word.  I thank you for all things.  Thank you that Your word will stand for ever.  I pray in the name of the word which became flesh and dwelt among us, Jesus.  Amen

The above link for Drôme has some vitual tours that are worth watching.

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