Monday, July 5, 2010

Omeaga Pharma LOTTO

• Aerts Mario
• De Greef Francis
• Delage Mickaël
• Lang Sebastian
• Lloyd Matthew
• Moreno Fernandez Daniel
• Roelandts Jürgen
• Van den Broeck Jurgen
• Wegelius Charles

Team Lotto is a team from here in Belgium.  Like everyone else they have been to the cobbles to have a few practice runs.  It will be interesting to see everyone on the cobbles this year.  Team Lotto is made up of many nationalities and Germany seems to have the most. 

As we pray for Team Lotto ask you to open hearts in Belgium and in Germany.  These men represent many of the European nations, I pray that you will work in the lives of this team.  Bring people around them who know you and are willing to share your love and word.  Change the lives of these men so that they will be victorious in you.  Thank you for their hard work and dedication, but Lord you know that part of the soul that always feels empty without you?  I pray that you will cause the hole in their hearts to ache for you.  Let them all know that they need you and that you have provided for them salvation.  Lord, I pray that one day the men and all that surround them in their lives will believe in you. 
I pray this in the name of Jesus.  Amen

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