Monday, July 5, 2010

Etape 2 Bruxelles > Spa

Here in Brussels I found  a few ministries I would like to share with you.
Their goal is to help people to develop their musical skills to glorify God.  They are training worship leaders for the churches here in Europe.
Creative Arts Europe aspires to permeate European culture with Godly art that offers hope and life.

Founded in the late 60"s God has used them to minister to all nationalities as they come to Brussels. 

Chris and Becky Taylor are building a french speaking Church here in Brussels.

Brussels is a city of over a million people and with more in the surrounding areas.  Europe as a whole is very closed to the Gospel.  They see no need for God and many doubt that he is real.  I am happy to see ministries which include the arts, because art has a place in the European culture.  Pray for these ministry as they each share the gospel in way God has gifted them.

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