Monday, July 5, 2010

Étape 2 going to Spa

201 Km today.  We are leaving Brussels and riding southeast to Spa, appropriately named for the hot water springs.  Spa has been benefiting  from God's creation since the days of the Romans.  Have you seen the crowds along the road.  Remember to pray for them as we pass.  Stage 1 had a few crashes  and I thought about how in life we have a few wipe outs as we move through this world and things do not go as planned.  I pray that we will learn to trust in our Savior when we make those turns in the road.
I am sorry to see Adam Hansen for HTC leave after riding all day after his crash.  Pray that he will heal quickly.
Today we will see King of the mountain pts earned.  The last half the the race will be interesting.  It might not be a good day for the sprinters, but maybe a break away will succeed.

We pray for the ride today.  Keep them safe as they go.  Thank you for all the crowds that are coming out to see the race.  Bless them and bring the good news of the cross into each one for their lives.  Lord, I pray that many will receive you.  Thank you for all who have come to Praying for France.  Thank you for their prayers.  We are so glad that you hear each one.

Thank you for all the ministries we found in Brussels, thank you for their faithfulness.  Provide for them and protect them as they serve.  I pray that they will be empowered by the blood of Christ and through the Holy Spirit that flows through each one.  Thank you for this time of prayer.  Lord, allow the the Holy Spirit to fill our prayers, let them glorify you.
 I pray all these things in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior.

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