Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Prayers

Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you which you do not know Jeremiah 33:3 (NASB)

Father, We thank you for being a God who hears us when we pray and who will answer us when we call.  Lord over the past few weeks we have call to you on the  behalf of France and we know that you have heard our cries, so now we wait for an answer.  As we wait we will continue to cry out for Paris and her surrounding areas.  Father, the one thing we do not know is what and how to pray for Paris.  Please make this time of prayer fruitful.  Lay on our hearts the needs and concerns of this great city and her people.  Break our hearts over the sin and encourage our hearts because of your redemption.  Lord, help us to connect with believers here in this area and to encourage them as we pray.  Use Praying for France as encouragement to the body of Christ here in France.  Connect us with the needs and let us be a voice crying in the wilderness.  Lord, use us as we pray.  We humbly ask in the name of Jesus.  Hear our call.  Amen.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The region of Paris-Isle-of-France is divided into eight departments. Over the next few months we will pray through each of these. We will begin in 75 Paris and we will divide up Paris by arrondissement (neighborhoods)

95 Val d'Oise

94 Val de Marne

93 Seine Saint Denis

92 Hauts de Seine

91 Essone

78 Yvelines

77 Seine et Marne

75 Paris

Over 11 million live in this region.

 Father, guide us through our time of prayer for Paris-Isle-of-France and for the people who live, work, and play in this region.  Hear our prayers we pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Last Stage - Paris

They have worked so hard to finish this race.  Finally in Paris.  One day we to will cross the line and finish in glory.  It has been an wonderful race to watch and I thank you for praying with me through the Tour.  Your faithfulness has been an encouragement.  Today we begin a new direction here at Praying for France.  We will be staying in Paris and praying through each neighborhood.  We hope to bring about some changes to the blog to make it easier to find information and prayers for the different regions and departments.  We would also love to post your prayers for France and what God is doing in France.  So, again thank you for praying and we hope that you stop back by throughout the year to pray again for the people and the nation of France.

Father above, we humbly bow before you here in Paris.  As we view the glory of man we also see the brokenness of lives all around us.  Lord, you have laid it on our heart to stay here in Paris and pray and so we begin today with this burden for the people of Paris.  Lord, show us the needs of these people and let us know how to pray.  Break our heart over the sin and brokenness of the hidden places.  Lord, thank you for this new burden and we pray that as we intercede lives will be changed and the brokenness will be healed.  Lord, we boldly ask for a revival among the millions in Paris.  We pray in the name of Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith.  Amen

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Team Vancansoleil-DCM is from the Netherlands.  Only 4 of their riders have started in the tour and before the tour started no one has won a stage victory in the tour. Johnny Hoogerland has had and wonderful time wearing the pot a dotted jersey this tour.  I hope they learned a lot from riding as a team in this long fought battle.

Dear Father, we pray for the Netherlands and their people.  Thank you for team Vancansoleil-DCM and all that they have accomplished this year in the tour.  Lessons can always be learned and so we hope they have taken advantage of this experience.  Lord, we know they were here for a purpose and maybe that purpose was to learn about you.  I pray that one team member learned of you on this tour.  Thank you for all the teams and the people who support them through this journey, create ways for each one to hear and understand Your promises in your Word.  We pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen

stage 20 - Grenoble Grenoble

Sport et Foi is here in Grenoble and is serving our Lord through the outreach of sports.  They are a Christian organization through out France, and they have a center here in Grenoble.  Pray for their ministry as we spend the day here in Grenoble.  Stop by there website and encourage them. 

Father, thank you for this day in Grenoble.  We pray for Sport et Foi and their ministry here through sports.  Give them the staff and finances it takes to run an outreach program by teaching sports.  Thank you for their willingness to serve and to teach others.  I pray that they will see many children and adults come to know you as their Lord and Savior.  We pray all this in the name of Jesus, our Lord.  Amen

Friday, July 22, 2011

Andy is in Yellow

Will he keep it?

Team Sky

Team Sky  comes to represent the United Kingdom.  They have had a mix bag of joy and sorrow over the last 3 weeks.  Their dreams of GC were crushed very early, but Bossen Hagen has given them reasons to be happy. 
HAGEN Edvald Boasson
KNEES Christian
THOMAS Geraint
URAN Rigoberto

Dear Father,  We pray for the team members of Team Sky and all who support them.  Lord, we thank you for all the missionaries from Great Britain who have come to France to share their faith in you.  I ask that they receive a blessing for their faithfulness.  We pray that this team will be one who loves and honors you.  We thank you for their wins this year.  We pray for these men to day in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Étape 19 - Modane Valfréjus Alpe-d’Huez

Please pray for these cities, and villages who will see the tour today.


Our Lord, we thank you for this time that we have spent together praying for the nation of France. Our time has quickly passed, but what a what an honor to be in your presence on the behalf of the people of France. Bless all who have come to pray. Today Lord we are in the majestic mountains of the Alps and we ask that you open hearts in the villages the tour will move through. Lord, build strong churches for these people to be apart of your bride. We pray for your churches in this region and we ask that they be strengthen and encouraged. Let their lights shine so that others may know you. We pray all these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Great job

Étape 18 - Pinerolo Galibier Serre-Chevalier

Out of Italy and back into France is on the route today.  When we come to the border we come to our first mountain out of 3 HC climbs.  Tomorrow might tell us who will stand on the podium in Paris.  It will be fun to watch the climbs today.  Pray as they go.  There will be many people on the side of the road, pray for them.  Many come from other nations to France on holiday.  So pray for their nations and for Salvation to come to their home and family. 

Our Father, we pray as we watch the nations stand on these mountains to watch a race.  Lord, one day the nations will knell before you, so we ask that the good news of your salvation will come to these on the mountains today.  Lord, I pray that as the church we will be faithful to to share your love and teach others about you.  Thank you for those who are sharing your love tomorrow at the tour.  Bring them open hearts ready to hear and to believe.  We pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen

Team Saxo Bank

Team Saxo Bank has many new faces this year.  Last year you saw Andy, Frank, Fabian, and Jens but not this year.  This year they have  Alberto Contador and :

PORTE Richie
SORENSEN Chris Anker
                                       VANDBORG Brian

Lord, we thank you for letting us join your team.  Lord, we pray that the members of Saxo Bank will join your team.  Please let them know that you have already paid for the cost of their membership.  They just need to accept your gift.  Lord, we pray that each man will come to know you as their Lord and Savior one day soon, so they can benefit from being on your team.  We pray all these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Two more wins for Norway

Yesterday,  Thor roared through ahead of Edvald Boasson Hagen and then today, Bossen Hagen made it across the finish line.

Étape 17 Gap to Pinerolo

Pinerolo Italy
 Today the descent down this last mountain in Italy is narrow and very dangerous.  It makes me think about how there is a wide road and a narrow road.
Matthew 7:13-14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Father, We pray that the people of France and Italy will find the narrow road that leads to life.  We know that many are on the wide road and we ask that many will hear about how Jesus is the way and through Him there is life eternal. We pray all these things in the name of Jesus, who is the way.  Amen

Update from Eugene

Thanks for your support in prayer, it is so precious! We are 5 persons in Pinerolo-Italie till tomorrow (arrival and depart of the race). We are working with 5 different Churches there and in the same time, we build contacts to bring the Italian Churches to be involved in the Giro (the Tour of Italie by bike) which is also very popular during 3 weeks in May every year.
Churches are very much encouraged to go to testify to the people along the race we had good contacts with unbelievers and we bless God.
Further news next week. Blessings and love.
Eugene and Christiane, Geert from Holland, David from Kinshasa, Jean-Francois from France too.

Team Saur-SoJasun

Team Saur-SoJasun is a  French Pro Continental. Supported by   Saur who is a water management and recycling company and Sojasun who is a soya health food producer, This is the first year I have seen them ride.  Today they have a man in the break away and he is doing well in the mountains.  France has been represented well this year in the tour. 
Father, thank you for the all the French teams and how well they have done this year.  It is wonderful for Team Saur -SoJasun to have a man in the break away today.  It would be a boost for this first year team to have a high place finish.  We pray for each member of this team and ask that some how through this tour they will hear of your grace.  Lord, thank you for your gift of Jesus Christ in our lives and we pray that team Saur-SoJasun will receive this same gift.  We pray all these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Étape 16 Saint Paul-Trois- Châteaux to Gap

Yesterday I received and email from a friend reminding me of how the beautiful it is in this area but how sad it is to know how lost they are when they do not know the creator of the beauty that surrounds them.  Today we begin our day in the department of Drome (26) and they are know for their wines, a goat cheese called picodon, black olives and lavender. 
John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

Jesus, You are the vine and as we travel through the vineyards today remind us of this very fact.  Lord, without you we can do nothing.  We thank you that this is true even in France.  For the people of France to bear eternal fruit they must abide in you.  We pray that the people of France will be your branches as they abide in you.  We pray in the name of Jesus, the vine.  Amen

Team Radioshack

Team Radio Shack does not seem to have the energy that they had last year.  They seem to be missing the spark Armstrong brought to the team.  This year they have been having a hard time keeping their guys in the race.  Johan Bruyneel is their director and he has won many tours, but this one will be a rebuilding year for him and the team. Times are hard this tour but I don't see them giving up.  I see them staying the coarse no matter how few riders they have.

Lord, we pray for team Radio Shack today.  We bring before you each member of this team not just the riders in the race today, but all the riders on this team.  We think of all the coaches, medical team members, mechanics, IT guys, cooks, bus drivers and everyone else that is involved in making this machine go.  It is amazing how many people it takes to move these guys down the road.  We pray that you will encourage them as the press on.  This year has happened for a reason and we pray they will learn the lessons they need to learn.  We pray that one of those lessons is learning to trust You.  We pray all these things in the powerful name of Jesus.  Amen.

Team members still riding
Markel Irizar
Levi Leipheimer
Dmitriy Muravyev
Sergio Paulinho
Haimer Zubeldia

Monday, July 18, 2011

the lead out train

Yesterday, the lead out train brought Mark across the line first one more time. Team work is paying off for HTC.

Rest Day

Today they rest from the mountains last week and prepare for the mountains to come.  So today we find ourselves in south France, let us pray for those faithfully serving our Father here in this beautiful area of France.

Our Father,
bless those who faithfully serve you in southern France. Encourage them as they minister to others. Prepare friendships and allow them to share your love each day. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen

Team Rabobank

Team Rabobank represents the Netherlands.  It is always good to see the orange come through. Last year we had the privilege of praying for this nation and team while the tour went through the Netherlands.  We are grateful for those serving Christ and sharing his good news to those who live and work in the Netherlands. 

Team Rabobank have these men riding this tour.
GARATE Juan Manuel
TEN DAM Laurens

GARATE Juan Manuel (ESP) and BOOM Lars have need to leave the race leaving them with a 7 man team.  Pray for them as they ride for safety and endurance.  This last week is going to be a hard week. 

Father God, we pray to you for these men and the families that are associated with Team Rabobank.  We enjoy watching them compete in the race and we pray that they will have the endurance to finish this week.  Lord so many will not receive a jersey or win a stage, but the victory comes from riding well and finishing all 21 stages.  Let them rest well today so that they can begin again tomorrow.  Lord, we pray that they can come to know you as they race well in life.  Bring people around them that know you and are willing to introduce you to them.  We pray that they will finish life in You.  We pray all these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Étape 15 - Limoux to Montpellier

Here in Mobile we have a street named Montpellier, so I pray for this city often.  Today our stage is a sprinters stage and so look for a speedy finish. Today we will pray through the department of Aude (11) and the Hérault department (34)in the region of Languedoc-Roussillon. As you travel through France you see many strong castles. Some have stood for many centuries built with stones by mighty men. Some have been beaten down over the years and others still stand today. Pray for the people of this area to know that God is our strong tower our fortress. In Proverbs 18:10 it says "The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."

Lord most High, we can run to you and be safe for you are a fortified tower. Lord, we pray that as the people of France live among these towers that they will see that you are the fortified tower they need. Lord here in the Lanquedoc-Roussillon region we pray that people will proclaim, "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. We pray that they will take refuge in You. We simply pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen

Sunday Prayers

John 14:6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me

Father, this has been our prayer that the people of France will understand and believe this truth to be true.  Not just in their mind, but in there hearts.  Lord, You came to provide us away and for you are the way.  You told us the truth because you are the Word.  You gave your life so that I can live with you eternally.  Lord this is true for the people of France.  Please hear our plead for those who do not know you or believe that you are real.  Thank you for those who heard and believed this week.  Help them grow in You.  We pray all these things in the precious name of Jesus.  Amen

Team Quick Step

Team Quick Step is from Belgium and they have been Team Quick Step since 2003.  For the people in Belgium it is Tom Boonen's team and for the French it is Chavanel's team.  Here on Praying for France we have been praying for Tom Boonen for a few years.  This year he was unable to stay in the race due to injuries.  Continue to pray that he will let God to work in his life. 

The French are happy to see Chavanel still riding.  Yesterday, he worked hard on the climb.  

Lord, remember Team Quick Step.  We pray that many on this team and around this team will come to know you.  I pray that they will receive you as Lord of their lives.  Lord, we pray that you will be the guide to their step.  Direct their path because they trust in You.  This is our prayer for Team Quick Step.  We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior.  Amen

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Étape 14,

Saint Gaudens to Plateau de Beille

Today it is up  and up some more.  I hope you were able to see Thor race yesterday.  The power he had to move was fun to watch.  I was enjoy watching Thor race.  Today it will be some else that is able to move up these many mountains.  He will need fresh legs.  Today let us remember Le Tour de France de la Bible as they are in Saint Gaudens with pastor. Michael Dalleau , and Église Biblique Baptiste du Comminges. Pray for them to meet people who want to hear what they have to say.

today we pray for the team on the ground sharing the gospel at the stage cities. Lord, bring people to them as they walk through the crowd that want to hear the gospel. Holy Spirit move through hearts and minds. Create a hunger for your word. Help the team to be brave and fill their mouth with your words. Thank you Father for going with them on this day. We pray all these things in the name of Jesus. Amen

Team Omega Pharma-Lotto

Team Omega Pharma-Lotto  from Belgium has been fun to watch.  Philippe Gibert has proven his worth and André Greipel gave us and exciting sprint finish just the other day. Along with their successes they have struggled with keeping all their team members. Three have had to go home. It will be a challenge to bring Gilbert to the podium in Paris, but not impossible. Pray for them as they stay strong to reach their goals for this tour. 

Father we thank you for the nation of Belgium and for our brothers and sisters there.  I pray that they will preserve when numbers get low just like team Lotto has done in the tour.  We pray for Team Lotto, work in their lives and allow your story to be heard and received.  Please, open doors in the cycling community so that Christians can share your love to those who love to ride. We pray in the power of the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Team Movistar

Team Movistar was here last year they just rode under different colors. They wore red for team Caisse d'Epargne.  Movistar is a Spanish team and they have been enjoying the tour.  They have been having a good showing.  As we pray for Team Movistar  pray for the country of Spain as well.  Ask God to open hearts and lives to the gospel. 

Team members in the Tour
081 ARROYO David
082 AMADOR Andrey
083 COSTA Rui Alberto
084 ERVITI Imanol
085 GUTIERREZ José Ivan
088 ROJAS Jose Joaquin
089 VENTOSO Francisco

Holy Father, we come before you with the nation of Spain on our hearts. Thank you for your church in Spain. We pray that they will be unified in you as they serve you. We also pray for Team Movistar. Thank you for the hard work they have been willing to do to have a great tour this year. Lord, I pray we will work just as hard to reach others with the gospel of Christ not only here in France but in the neighboring nations as well. We pray this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Étape 13 Pau to Lourdes

Pau sets in the valley looking up at the mountains surrounding her.  Pau is  a city with British influences, first golf corse in France and one of the first rugby teams.  Over 84,000 people make Pau their home.  We will begin the race here and go to Lourdes.  Pray for the two regions that we will be in today, first Aqutaine and then Medi-Pyrénées. 
Assemblée Chrétienne, Église Évangélique Libre,Église Évangélique Tzigane, Église Protestante Évangélique, and Réunions Chrétiennes are all churches in Pau sharing the love of God.

Lord, as we stand in the valley and look to the mountains we are in awe of the madjesty of each one. Father many people live in and around this mountains here Aqutaine and in the MediPyrénées and we ask that as they look at the beauty they will see you as their Creator and Savior. Let the churches in this area help the people know you more. We pray all these things in the name of Jesus. Amen

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I hope you enjoyed the mountains today.  I was cheering them on up that last 5 k.  It was good.  I just wish they would make their moves a little bit sooner so that they could make up more time ahead of the other riders.  Looking forward to tomorrow.  We have a descent to the finish into Lourdes.

Étape 12 Cugnaux to Luz-Ardiden

Today we went up the mountains.  Two HC climbs today.  We found ourselves back on the Col du Tourmalet.  Last year Andy and Contador climbed sided by side, but today Andy was able to end the day ahead of the Contador by a few more seconds Thomas Voeckler keeps the yellow jersey but his lead has been eaten into by a few seconds.
I heard the statement that the climbers are willing to suffer to get over the mountain.  That phase has been bouncing around in my head and I had to ask myself am I willing to suffer to reach the goal?  Am I willing to suffer for Christ.  To be honest I don't have an answer yet. 

Lord, as they suffer up the mountain we search our own hearts and think about are we willing to suffer for You.  Are we willing to dig deep and go the extra mile when the road gets steep? Will we continue to go or will we quit?  Lord, give us the strength to continue when it is hard and the suffering begins.  Help us to see that the finish line is ahead and you are beside us.  Thank you for going with us up the mountains in our lives.  We pray all these things in the name of  Jesus.  Amen.

Team Liquigas - Cannondale

I have been think about the fact that there are so many people that do not cross the finish line at the end of the day, but without them these riders could not do their jobs.  Let us pray for these today. 

Team Liquigas Cannondale is our second team from Italy.  This organization is providing a camp each year for children 7-12 to come and ride for a week.  They are passing down the principles a biker must have to be successful.  Lord, I am happy to see that Liquigas is looking at the next generation of cyclist, help us to desire to pass on our love for
Christ to the next generation.  Thank you for those who are behind the scenes to make the guys on Liquigas ride like they do.  We pray for them and their families so that they will love you as much as they love cycling.  We ask that you become their passion.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stefano Zanatta and Dario Mariuzzo have chosen these men to ride this tour.
Ivan Basso, Italians Daniel Oss, Alessandro Vanotti, Paolo Longo Borghini e Fabio Sabatini; the Polish trio of Sylwester Szmyd, Maciej Bodnar and Maciej Paterski; and the young Slovenian rider Kristijan Koren.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Étape 11 Blaye-Les-Mines to Lavaur

Today the race went through the region of Midi-Pyrénées staying mostly in the department of Tarn(81) and Tarn et Garonne (82).  Last year we prayed through this area.  Please take the time to pray for those who live in these departments here in the Midi-Pyrénées. As we past through the city of Gaillac remember to pray for Église Évangélique de Gaillac. 

Father, thank you for this region of France we appreciate the beauty that you have created here.  We thank you for the safety in the rain as the riders rode today.  Lord, I pray for all who serve you in this place.  Thank you for being with them as they run the race that you have set before them. Provide for them to finish the race.  Be with Église Évangélique de Gaillac bring them many chances to tell others about Jesus.  We thank you for the cross and all that happened there for each of us.  We desire for the people of this region to know the glory of the cross in their lives.  We pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen

Étape 11 Blaye-Les-Mines to Lavaur

It is raining.

Lord, keep them safe on this day.

Team Leopard - Trek

Loyal Fans

A new team has been formed to represent the country of Luxembourg.  Andy and Fränk Schleck were instrumental in bringing this team together.  When forming this team that took some of my favorites on as team mates.  We wish Leopard - Trek well as a team.

Father, we come before you the team Leopard Trek.  Lord, this is a new union of a group of men with a heart to do their best.  The drive and loyalty they have for each other has defined who they are.  Lord, we pray that this same loyalty they have for each other they will have for you.  Lord, we do not know the condition of their souls but you know.  So Father I pray that in your way the gospel message will be shared with this group of riders in a clear manner that they will come to a saving knowledge of you.  If they know you today we pray that you will strengthen their personal witness among those they know and meet.  We pray for each member of the team, Andy Schleck, Fränk Schleck, Fabian Cancellara, Linus Gerdemann, Maxime Monfort, Jakob Fuglsang, Jens Voigt, Stuart O’Grady and Joost Posthuma.  We pray that they will make you part of their daily life.  In the name of Jesus we ask for these things.  Amen 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Étape 10 Aurillac to Carmaux

 The Tour will ride through the city of Figeac and there you will find l'Eglise Protestante Evangélique de Figeac faithfully serving our Lord.  Remember them today as we pray.  We will be moving from the Auvergne region to Midi-Pyrénées region as we move our way to the Pyrénées. Today the sprinters will enjoy one more finish line before the mountain climbers have their glory.  Enjoy the beauty, excitement and the presence of God today as you pray.

Our Lord, we come before you humbled by who you are.  We see you working in France and in the hearts of people and we are thankful for all that you are doing.  Lord, today as we ride through Figeac I pray that l'Eglise Protestante Evangélique de Figeac  will know that they are being prayed over.  We thank you for their love for the Word of God.  They make it priority in their church and we bless them for this. Lord, encourage them for all they do.  Be with their pastor and his family.  Let them all grow in the knowledge of you and in your grace.  Help them to build relationships with families and friends so that they can share the good news and your love.  We pray all these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

A New Man in Yellow

We begin the race today with a new man in yellow.  Thomas Voeckler from France is now in yellow after his ride in stage 9.  He has been riding professionally since 1999. In 2003 he was able to wear the yellow jersey in the tour for many days.  Congratulations to Team Europcar.  Have a great ride today.

Congratulations to Leon Sanchez ( Robobank) for wining stage 9

Team Lampre -ISD

Team Lampre - ISD is our first of two Italian teams.  Team Lampre -ISD has been working through some doping issues this year.  Doping has been issue for many riders.  Pray for these men to make good choices.  The temptation to enhance their ability to win is overwhelmingly strong.  Making the right choice is hard to do when you lean on your own strength.

Father God we pray for Team Lampre as they ride through this tour.  Lord, temptations ride with us each day and we need your help not to yield to them.  Be with Team Lampre as they work through the reconstructing of their team.  We pray that they will turn to you for wisdom and honor you with their lives and their choices.   We pray all these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

LAMPRE - ISD (LAM) - Sporting Manager : MAINI Orlando
161 CUNEGO Damiano
162 BERTAGNOLLI Leonardo
163 BOLE Grega
164 BONO Matteo
165 HONDO Danilo
166 KOSTYUK Denys
167 LOOSLI David
168 MALORI Adriano
169 PETACCHI Alessandro

Monday, July 11, 2011

Team Katusha

Team Katusha was here last year.  They are a team from Russia.  Yesterday their rider Pavel Brutt, new National Russian Champion,  had to leave the race, so they will be a man down.  This year they will ride with all Russian riders.  Pray for them as they ride and live.

The Team Katusha´s roster for Tour de France 2011:

Pavel Brutt (new National Russian Champion), Denis Galimzyanov, Vladimir Gusev, Mikhail Ignatyev (new National Russian ITT Champion), Vladimir Isaychev, Vladimir Karpets, Alexander Kolobnev, Egor Silin, Yuriy Trofimov. Sport Directors: Dmitriy Konychev, Gennady Mikhailov, Bart Leysen
Lord, we know that Russia now has the freedom to worship you.  We thank you for this freedom and ask that you protect this new freedom.  Be with the church in Russia and the believers their.  Provide unity as they grow and live in this freedom.  Keep them diligent in serving you.  Lord, we pray for Team Katusha and we ask that many on this team will come to know you as Lord and Savior.  Protect them as they ride and live so that they might be able to serve You.  We pray in the name of Jesus, our redeemer.  Amen

Rest Day

If you watched any of the coverage of the tour I am sure you saw all the injuries that happened.  I am sure that these riders are happy to have a rest day.  Life can be like this race and we have times that we are injured.  Injuries come in so many ways.  Disapointment, unkindness, illness, loneliness, or even overly business.  We have one who can provide the rest we need we just need to take the time to rest and spend time with Him. 
Father, we come to you because we need your rest in our lives.  When life brings injuries and weariness I pray that we come to you with our hurts and pain. Lord, thank you for bringing the rest that we need and the balm for our wounds.  I pray that we rest in you.  

Father, be with the guys in this race, so many have been injured and are no longer racing.  Lord, yesterday there were some horrible crashes.  We pray that as they race on there will be fewer and fewer crashes.  Bring healing to Alexandra Vinokourov's broken femer and David Zabriskie's wrist.  Provide healing to JurgenVan den Broeck  with Lotto, his collar bone.  Lord, Juan Antonio Flecha and Johnny Hoogerland crashed when the car hit them I pray that you will heal their cuts and bruses and spirits.  Lord, thank you for this day of rest.  We pray all these things in the name of Jesus, our healer.  Amen

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Étape 9 - Issoire - Saint-Flour

Today we are in the central part of France in the region of Auvergne.  This is an ancient area of France.  Julius Caesar battled with the Celtic leader VERCINGETORIX here in this region.  The Volcanoes make up the mountains.  As I watch the race the down hill is becoming very dangerous. Pray for safety.
We will end in the city of Saint Flour.  Eglise Protestante Evangélique is a community of believers.  Pray for them as they serve and reach out to their city. 

Father thank you for Eglise Protestante Evangélique here in Saint Flour.  We pray for them today as they serve you.  Strength them in number and in spirit.  Bring them many opportunities to be your witness to their city.  Lord, today the race is being very dangerous and we pray for wisdom and safety as they race through this mountain pass.  Help those who have been injured. 
We pray all these things in the name of Jesus.
Eglise Protestante Evangélique
2, rue de Belloy
15100 St-FLOUR

Sunday Prayers

On Sunday here at Praying for France we take the time to pray for the nation and God's Church.  Thank you for praying this week and I hope you are enjoying the tour.

You, LORD, are my lamp;  the LORD turns my darkness into light. II Samuel 22:29

Lord, You are the light of the world and here in Samuel you are called my lamp. We know that it is only your light that can turn darkness into light and so today we pray that you will become the lamp of France.  Lord, turn this nation from darkness into your light.  Lord, we know that all things are possible and there is nothing to hard for you.  Use us to be your light in France.  Keep the Church faithful to this task.  Let our light shine before men so that they can see  good works and glorify the Father.  We pray that you will be glorified today in France.
We pray all these things in the name of Jesus, our lamp.

Team HTC-Highroad

HTC-Highroad is an USA Team. They are quite the international team.  HTC enjoy a great union in their team.  They work well together to accomplish a single goal. 

Lord, we pray for team HTC-Highroad. Thank you for this example of team work.  I pray that as the church, we can watch and learn how to work together as a team to accomplish the great commission.  Lord, build a great team in the Church in France so that they can reach their nation with the good news. In doing so we pray that there will be a great team to share your love with the cycling world.  Be with the guys from HTC and open doors so that there will be many opportunities of each member of HTC to hear the gospel message.  Lord, lift up these men so that they may come to know you. 

BAK Lars
EISEL Bernhard
GOSS Matthew Harley
PATE Danny
We pray all these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Cross of Christ

Father, today we saw a Cross of Christ lifted high above the tour.  Lord, I pray that all will come to know the glory of the cross and the power of your resurrection.  We pray in the name of Jesus, our redeemer

Team Garmin-Cervélo

Last year these names were two separate teams.  Over the winter they joined forces and we can see how powerful they can be.  David Miller is the next guy on the list. He is only 8 seconds out, so it will be interesting to see how he does in the next 7 days.  Pray for these men.

DEAN Julian

Lord, we pray for the souls of these men.  They work hard as a team and they strive to succeed in life.  I pray that they will see that only through you do they have a way to succeed eternally.  Lord, bring a Christan influence into the management of this team and if there is one already in place I pray they will have the courage to live like you in front of this team.  Father, be with their family members and Lord, thank you for each one.  Bring your victory into this group of people. 
We pray in the name of Jesus.

Étape 8 Aigurande - Super-Besse Sancy

 Today we will be in the foot hills, because we can't call these mountains when we know what is coming up next.  It will not be a sprinters finish and I believe that Thor might loose his yellow jersey to someone else.  Thor, you did a great job keeping it this long.  Hats off to you for that. 

I don't know why but, I feel like this is one place I would love to live.  The quiet rural rolling hills with villages nestled among them seems to me one of the perfect spots in this world.

Lord, yesterday we enjoyed the sunflower fields and today we will enjoy the rolling hills.  Lord, We pray that your teaching from the Bible will fall like rain and your words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.  Lord, let the teaching of your Word be received by the hearts of the people of this region like new grass receives the rain.  Open hearts and let people soak in Your word.
We pray in the blessed name of Jesus.  Amen

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sad to see them go

Stage 7
136 PAURIOL Rémi (FRA) FDJ withdrawls
111 WIGGINS Bradley (GBR) SKY PROCYCLING withdrawls
Stage 6
87 KIRYIENKA Vasil (BLR) MOVISTAR TEAM outside time limit
Stage 5
186 KERN Christophe (FRA) TEAM EUROPCAR withdrawls
Stage 4
37 VAN DE WALLE Jurgen (BEL) OMEGA PHARMA - LOTTO withdrawls

Sorry if any of these show as a link.  There is no link here

Cavinish wins here again.

Yesterday’s Winner

Edvald Boasson Hagen was the winner as he crossed the line in a bunch sprint. Norway was show cased on the podium with Boasson Hagen with the stage and Thor with the yellow jersey. Congrats to Sky and Boasson Hagen.

Étape 7 Le Mans to Châteauroux

Le Mans is located in the department of Sarthe (72).  From here we head south through the central part of France.  Along the way we will see many chateaux and castles.  It is always wonderful to see the beauty that man has made, but most of all the beauty of what God has created.  Enjoy this day as we head south.  Pray as we go.

Thank you Father for all the beauty of France.  We thoroughly enjoy your handiwork and the man made beauty as well.  Lord, we ask that you continue to create beauty in the lives of the people of central France.  Move in hearts and allow hearts to be changed from hard to soft, cold to warm, and dark to light.  Lord, only you can create new life and so we ask that new life comes to the people of France.  We pray all these things the the power of the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Team FDJ

Team Francaise des Jeux is a french team sponsored by the French national Lottery.  Sandy Casar is wearing number 1 for them.  This is his ninth tour.  This team loves to have a man in the break away.
They have these Frenchmen on their team:
Sandy Casar
William Bonnet
Mickael Delage
Arnold Jeannesson
Gianni Meersman
Remi Pauriol
Anthony Roux
Jeremy Roy
Arthur Vichot
and directed by Tierry Bricaud.

Isaiah 45:5
I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God.
I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me,

 Lord, we pray for FDJ as they head south today.  Thank you for all the excitement they bring to the tour each day.  Lord, we pray that they understand that there is no other God apart from You, and we pray that they will acknowledge you here today at the Tour.  Bring people across their path that believe on you and are willing to lift you high.  Strength them today spiritually and physically.  Thank you for the strength that you provide each of us. 
We pray all these things in the precious name of Jesus.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Churches on route today

Lord, bless them as they serve you. 
La Source Baptist Church

Department Côtes-d’Armor (22)

Quévert ( Dinan)

Église Protestante Évangélique de Dinan [France-Mission]
28 rue de Sainte Anne, La Maison Blanche

Department Ille-et-Vilaine (35)


Assemblée Protestante Évangélique
Salle du Chalet, 2 avenue Aristide Briand

Department Manche (50)


Centre Évangélique Protestant
23 rue des Chapeliers

Église Évangélique Protestante
2 rue de Bouillant

Department Calvados (14)


Assemblée de Dieu
28 rue du Camp Franc

Église Baptiste la Source
26 rue de la Gare

Église Évangélique Tzigane
Terrain d’Accueil des Gens du Voyage, Route d’Evreux — Chemin la Galloterie


Mission Evangélique
6 rue du Colombier

Team Euskaltel-Euskadi

Our help is in the name of the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 124:8
Team Eustaltel-Euskadi  is a Basque development  team with each rider being from Spain. They seem to love their mountains.  They have been sponsored  by Telecommunications company since 1994.  In cycling that is a long time. We hope the best for the Basque team Eustaltel-Euskadi. 
021 SANCHEZ Samuel - did a great job last year in the tour.
026 TXURRUKA Amets
028 VELASCO Ivan
029 VERDUGO Gorka

Dear Father, we pray that team Eustaltel-Esukadi will rely on your name for their help.  For you have made the heaven above their heads and the earth under their wheels.  Lord, I pray that they will realize they are in need of you as their Lord.  Be with them as they pedal over the mountains near home.  We hope their families will be able to come and see them in the next few days as they bike closer to Basque country. We pray all these things in the name of Jesus our Help.  Amen.

Étape 6 Dinan to Lisieux

Today and tomorrow will be sprint finishes.  We leave the medieval city of Dinan located in Brittany and travel to Lisieux in the region of Normandy. Dinan is a small port city along the river.  Today you are able to see much of the original city.  It looks very royal. At the finish line in Lisieux we find the Basilica of St.Thérèse.  Over two million visitors come each year on a pilgrimage looking for favor from God.

Lord, we pray as the millions pilgrimage to Lisieux looking for your favor I pray the find that you are waiting for them to come into a personal relationship, knowing you as their Lord and Savior.  Lord, thank you for the salvation that Jesus has provided us on the cross.  Lord, many are seeking but do the see the salvation you have provided through grace and mercy.  Do they except your love and assurance of their justification through the righteousness of Christ.  We pray that they will see and believe.  We pray in the name of Jesus our Savior.  Amen

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Today's Winner

Mark Cavendish came to the line first.  Congrats!  to HTC 


 I always cringe every time I see them hit the ground.  We pray that they heal soon from all the cuts, bruises and broken bones.  
Lord, we pray for your healing touch on all who crashed today.  Lord, we know that you are able to not only heal their bodies, but also their lives. Lord, please be the great physician and heal hearts for we know that this is the greater need.  We pray in the name of Jesus our healer.  Amen.